EVAN WOOD is a Young Adult drama that tells the story of Rachel, a writing student in Los Angeles, who finds her life disrupted when she receives news of her grandmother’s passing. At the encouragement of a trusted professor, she decides to return home after years away from her relatives, to process the family’s trauma through her writing.

The return to her small town is filled with both healing and painful revelations: a romantic rekindling with an old love interest, and most notably, the challenge of helping her brother as he struggles with issues of mental health and addiction.

Evan Wood Movie 2021

This film takes an unwavering look at the reality of suburban America during the sweeping addiction epidemic that has torn countless loving households to pieces. It begs the question: what does a happy ending look like for the family member of an addict?


This film takes an unflinching look at the reality of suburban America during the sweeping addiction epidemic that has torn countless loving households to pieces. It begs the question: what does a happy ending look like for the family member of an addict?


From its inception, our project sought to shed some light on obstacles faced by our nation’s youth

Niki Byrne
Niki ByrneDirector
Niki Byrne is a twenty-eight year old screenwriter and director. She was raised in Santa Barbara, California and is a licensed racing driver and helicopter pilot (EASA, FAA).

Niki attended Boston University, where she studied history, political science, and astronomy. Her portrait and aviation photography can be found in magazines, annuals, calendars, and international news publications. Prior to her work on “Evan Wood,” Niki wrote and directed a handful of award-winning short films including “Solo” (2017).

Charlotte Louise Spencer
Charlotte Louise SpencerWriter | 'Rachel Wood'
Charlotte Spencer is from Leeds, Northern England. Growing up she was extremely passionate about the performing arts and has a Bachelors degree in Performing Arts from Northumbria University, England and the studied at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.
Charlotte recently performed as the roles of Katie in Renee Boyer’s play “Asking for it”, the show was a huge success and made it through to the final of the Short and Sweet festival in Hollywood. She also just finished wrapping up filming for her new web series “The Lost Girls”, which is doing the festival round and has received critical acclaim for its writing.
Alex Sorian Brown
Alex Sorian Brown'Evan Wood'
Alex Brown, or Alex Moreno, is a Spanish-born actor and producer. Alex grew up with a passion for performing; starting off on the stage as a kid, he spent his childhood involved in all kinds of artistic activities, from dancing, singing or acting to gymnastics, drawing, writing and figure skating.
He started pursuing acting and singing professionally at age 15 after moving to Los Angeles, where he graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, attending both its LA and NYC campuses. Soon after graduating, he landed lead roles in several award-winning short films, as well as started productions for his own projects.


Trevor Stines
Trevor Stines'Josh Richards'
Trevor Stines, born in Washington, has a passion for storytelling that has extended far past the screen into the realms of authorship, music, and screenwriting.
Previously known for his role as Jason Blossom on CW’s hit show Riverdale, Stines marks “Evan Wood” as a return to feature films.
Jere Burns
Jere Burns'Timothy Phillips'
Jere Burns is an American actor who has appeared in theatre productions and on television. He played the roles of ladies’ man Kirk Morris on the television series Dear John, DIA psychiatrist Anson Fullerton on the television series Burn Notice, and Dixie Mafia middle-man Wynn Duffy on Justified.
Amy Walker
Amy Walker'Jessica Wood'
Amy Walker is an award-winning actress, voice artist, singer, screenwriter, producer and YouTube star, who has been featured on the TODAY Show, NPR, Inside Edition, and is known in every country for her chameleonic ability to authentically transform herself.